SarSYS Integrations & Data Feeds
To support the use of Drones safely during search operations, SarSys collects accurate, up-to-the-moment aeronautical, environmental, regulatory and drone-centric operational data. As such SarSys collects and provides aeronautical, ground hazard and NOTAM data relevant to the area of your drone operations.
Aeronautical data provides airspace classifications, whereas ground hazards provides details for power pylons, schools, critical infrastructure etc., and NOTAMs being temporary flight restrictions and navigation warnings.
SarSys also pushes data back to Altitude Angel to advise drone flight activities that it turn will update their systems and be made available for those with flight operations in the same area. Team, Flood Team etc. This facilitates quick search and section identification when assigning teams.
To support organisations that utilise sonar in water search activities, SarSys can import Sonar Contact Reports.
SarSys has been integrated to work with SAR HAWK® software. This target acquisition and mapping program is specifically designed to operate with Humminbird® sonar data.
Once imported all contact reports are listed on the Sonar Dashboard providing a static image, Grid and w3w location, measurements for the length, width and shadow plus any notes and tags. The integrated mapping shows the location for each contact.
SarSys also allows water-specific data associated with the missing person to be recorded. This includes details of headwear, footwear, base and outer layers plus the details
of any items that were being carried. In addition the date / time they last ate or drank. This information is critical when trying to ascertain body float timings, as it needs be taken into consideration as key variables that will affect this.
SarSys has the ability to make use of cell site data and import data from a system called Teragence. This data allows SarSys to plot on its mapping every instance of a mobile phone or device that has been connected to its network via a mast at a certain time. This cell site analysis data can be utilised to potentially identify where the missing person is, how they are moving or their direction of travel.
Data Feeds
SarSys utilises Admiralty Maritime Data Solutions to provide real- time data to indicate the times for current low and high tides plus 6 days’ worth of tidal events from the 5 nearest tidal stations in location to the incident.
The Environment Agency flood-monitoring service provides SarSys with near to real time information which is overlayed on the integrated digital mapping. This information covers:
• flood warnings and flood alerts
• flood areas which to which warnings or alerts apply • measurements of water levels and flows
• information on the monitoring stations providing
those measurements
SarSys collects weather forecast from Accuweather and makes this available on a dedicated weather screen displaying time, cloud conditions, chance of sun / rain, wind speed and direction and temperature. This is updated every 30 minutes on the hour and half hour.
Wherever SarSYs requires a location to be input Royal Mail is used to list all matching addresses to a given postcode, allowing one of these to be selected from a list.