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Sonic RSM EEI Awarded NATS Approval

Sonic Communications Stand: 4/G40
Sonic RSM EEI Awarded NATS Approval
Sonic RSM EEI NATS Approval Certificate
We are delighted to announce that Sonic Communications (Int) Ltd has been awarded NATS approval certification (Network Approval Testing) from Qinetiq and MSI.

We are delighted to announce that Sonic Communications (Int) Ltd has been awarded NATS approval certification (Network Approval Testing) from Qinetiq and MSI. NATS approval is the HO ratified process of getting an application into the Emergency Services Mobile Communications Programme’s catalogue for User Organisation’s selection.

The Sonic RSM External Equipment Interface (RSM EEI) acts as an intermediary between the KODIAK PoC client and either the Bluetooth RSM or the USB-C wired RSM to add even more functionality to the feature rich RSM design. The Sonic RSM EEI application allows an administrator to allocate two Operational Status Messages (OSM) for rapid and remote transmission directly from the RSM, without recourse to the WAVE POC client app.

Such OSM include RQS, Arrived at Scene, Request Call back etc. that allow the ESN user to transmit vital messaging from a single button press on the RSM. The Sonic RSM EEI also allows a user to extinguish all LED indications from the RSM when a stealthy approach is required to a scene. The EEI not only adds further features to the RSM current functionality but means that the utility of the RSM can be enhanced to meet future client app add-ons and Home Office change requests.

For more on our RSM and its accompanying Application, please visit:
