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28 Feb 2024

Introducing DeepPlate, Amped’s Investigative Tool for AI-Powered License Plate Reading

Amped Software Stand: 4/G50
Introducing DeepPlate, Amped’s Investigative Tool for AI-Powered License Plate Reading
Amped DeepPlate
DeepPlate is Amped Software's new AI-based license plate reading service for investigative use. It currently supports 8 countries and is freely accessible for users with a valid Amped FIVE SMS plan through the Amped Support Portal.

Amped Software is proud to present DeepPlate, their new online investigative tool designed for AI-powered reading of severely degraded license plates (for investigative purposes only).

Amped Software has developed DeepPlate, a deep-learning-based algorithm, to decypher license plates that are commonly affected by issues associated with surveillance systems. These issues include perspective distortion, poor resolution, optical and motion blurring, and compression noise.

Discover DeepPlate at the link below 
