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Avoid bumps in the road

Blue Light Maps Stand: 4/A90
Avoid bumps in the road
Recovery from a medical emergency can be a bumpy ride. That doesn’t mean the journey to the hospital has to be one too.

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While EMS and ambulance crews do their best to get patients to the hospital as quickly as possible, they also often drive through streets and neighbourhoods that have speed humps, potholes, and other obstacles that can make the ride uncomfortable, or even unsafe, for patients.


How Blue Light Maps can help

Our mobile app uses custom routing algorithms to generate the most suitable routes to hospital, including Blue Light Routing, which finds direct routes that take into account exemptions from traffic restrictions. Additionally, we can provide ambulance crews the option to avoid routes that have speed humps.

Blue Light Maps is the only navigation solution that specifically takes speed humps into account when generating routes. Other solutions typically generate routes based on the expected average speed along a road, without the capability to avoid individual road features like speed humps.

Our GPS navigation solution offers a number of advantages for patient safety and comfort. Namely:

  • Smooth ride: By avoiding speed humps and other obstacles, we can help ensure a smoother, more comfortable ride for patients. This can be especially important for patients with pre-existing medical conditions or those who are already experiencing discomfort or pain.
  • Reduced risk of injury: Speed humps can pose a risk of injury to patients, particularly if the ambulance hits them at high speeds. This is more likely when the driver is in a hurry and experiencing cognitive overload. A navigation app that avoids these types of obstacles can help reduce the risk of injury to patients.
  • Reduced stress: For many patients, the ambulance ride can be a stressful and anxious experience. Anything that can be done to make the ride more comfortable can help reduce stress and anxiety for patients.
  • Increased efficiency: By generating the most efficient routes to the hospital, Blue Light Maps can help ensure that patients get the medical attention they need as quickly as possible. This includes enabling ambulance crews to administer medical interventions safely en-route to hospital, which might otherwise be delayed due to unsuitable road conditions.