Co-located with The Emergency Services Show

Exhibitor Brochures

Major incident communications

Multitone Electronics Stand: 4/D4

Efficient, effective and timely organisation of the response to a major incident or major accident (MAJAX) is a significant challenge for any organisation, placing its plans, systems and participants under the greatest possible strain and scrutiny. Rapid, reliable and effective communications are essential for getting the situation under control.

While having a plan and the infrastructure to respond to a major incident is absolutely vital for emergency services, many businesses must also have a plan in place to respond to a serious accident, cyber incident or security incident, ensuring business continuity and minimising risk to life and losses. While major industrial accidents, for example, are rare, businesses must factor any realistic scenario into their risk assessment and mitigation plans.

Multitone’s solution is the perfect comprehensive incident response communications platform. As soon as a major incident is declared, our major incident management system allows you to send high-priority notifications and instructions to the relevant teams and individuals with a few clicks, eliminating lengthy manual processes. It can transmit messages via multiple mediums, including paging and SMS, to ensure the message is received.

The solution provides full proof of delivery reports (including automatic read receipts). Additionally, there is support for users to respond with acknowledgement via SMS, updating live boards automatically. This reduces the operational impact on the switchboard, especially at times of reduced staffing levels, such as night time or weekends.

Who is it for?

Our MAJAX management solution is suitable for:

  • Emergency services: to summon key teams or issue a mass call-out for major incidents and regional or national emergencies.
  • High-risk commercial premises & critical infrastructure: including chemical plants, power stations, oil refineries and other industrial operations.
  • High-profile businesses or organisations at significant risk of cyber-attack: to initiate a rapid IT security response via a robust, secure system. This can be particularly useful out of office hours, when staff work remotely, are on-call, or are geographically dispersed.